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(Ardaya) Les Dodgers ont envoyé une vidéo à la Ligue majeure de baseball de Manny Machado lançant une balle de baseball vers leur abri entre les manches du match 2.

(Ardaya) Les Dodgers ont envoyé une vidéo à la Ligue majeure de baseball de Manny Machado lançant une balle de baseball vers leur abri entre les manches du match 2.

Par ttam23


  1. BeerFarts86

    How do they have this video but none of the other million cameras in the stadium do?

  2. AntithesisKing

    I need to see this video. If only to apologize in person to Dave Roberts for the hurt he has been caused that he only experienced after he saw the supposed video.

  3. wizgset27

    It includes a note that says:


    Its OK Padres, we forgive you. Just have your hitters go easy on Buhler tomorrow. He just recovered from a long injury.

    jokes aside, I doubt this goes anywhere. I hate all this drama and distractions. Good luck to the Padres tomorrow!

  4. KimHaSeongsBurner

    The video has been [posted](

    I will let everyone make a judgement for themselves first by watching the video, so I’ll share my thoughts in a spoiler format below instead.

    >!Holy shit Dave, that’s it? This whole thing is over a sidearm flip as Shohei is being introduced and a new ball has been put into play? What a whiny little bitch.!<

  5. Ob1toUch1ha

    The Dodgers are the definition of “can dish it out but can’t take it”.

  6. SnakesAlive23

    Man, this is what happens when the DBacks sweep the Dodgers last postseason. The Dodgers go ahead and spend over a BILLION in the post season. And then their top 2 pitchers get shellacked in the the NLDS round against the Padres. Dodgers are so strong, yet so weak. But hey, they did get a shortened season ring. One asterisk ring while consistently being a top spender since ‘88 ain’t bad..

    Also, I fully expect a shit ton of Dodger fans downvotes. Bring it on.

  7. ehholfman

    I saw the video and I mean, sure, it’s thrown a little hard? But to call it unsettling or imply some sort of malicious intent behind it is wild.

    [Genesis Cabrera threw a ball he didn’t like in the Yankees dugout]( with way more ass behind it and Boone just threw that shit back.

  8. Apoc_Dreams

    I for one am happy to see that this how the Dodgers are preparing for game 3. Making the most out of that off day.

  9. Praise-Breesus

    Seems like management is trying to drum up some anger/fire from the players. I don’t know that is the problem and I don’t think this is going to help to do that anyway.

  10. FrostyYoYos

    Quick someone get Charmin on the line. We finally found a level past Ultra.

  11. dodgerblue1212

    The Dodgers should just send a video to MLB of their 1st tee drives

  12. TheChrisLambert

    Fucking baby loser attitude right there. What happened to no crying in baseball?

  13. RedGreenPepper2599

    The dodgers cant win after spending a billion dollars so they have to whine about something so small.

  14. bolshevik_rattlehead

    Wow, appealing act of disregard! Clearly MLB should force the villainous Padres to forfeit the series and crown our heroic Dodgers their rightful NLDS championship crown.

  15. i_run_from_problems


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