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(Mike Puma) Demain, ce sera la première fois en 18 ans que les Mets et les Yankees disputeront un match éliminatoire le même jour.

(Mike Puma) Demain, ce sera la première fois en 18 ans que les Mets et les Yankees disputeront un match éliminatoire le même jour.

Par retroanduwu24


  1. Mentally we knew it was 2006 but good lord it does not feel like 18 years

  2. Unfortunately, the nature of seeding and scheduling means that this won’t be extended to them playing at home at the same day as well…

    …better luck in the _LCS, perhaps?

  3. TruthSayerFu

    Its probably going to happen a lot more now that the Wilpons are gone

  4. Phillies2002

    Perhaps NY sports radio will throw it back accordingly

    « DA YANKEES AH PAYING COLE THWEE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAS FAH STARTS LIKE THIS, I don’t wanna see a relieva warming up in the pen until the 8th inning at the earliest. Look at Coahbin Burnes, he pitched inta the ninfh and he was losin. Look at dah Mets– even Kwintana was able to save the ‘pen for Sataday. »

    « DOGGG. You’re right Doggg. But I gotta ask, Dog, whetha Mendoza would move Severino up a day to match up with Wheela in Game 1. You sawr that he was willing to use him out of the pen on Thursday. You really want Megill facing Wheela in Game 1? He’s lineup up to pitch twice, you gotta beat him at least once. »

    Edit: Man, I thought this was funny

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