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(Bloomberg) Les applications de paris sportifs sont encore plus toxiques que vous ne le pensiez. Si vous montrez des signes de bon sens ou si vous êtes très méthodique, les applications de paris limiteront considérablement le montant de votre mise. Les parieurs professionnels configurent des robots pour simuler des comportements addictifs, se connectent tous les jours de 2h à 4h du matin, l’application vous enverra ensuite de l’argent bonus.

(Bloomberg) Les applications de paris sportifs sont encore plus toxiques que vous ne le pensiez. Si vous montrez des signes de bon sens ou si vous êtes très méthodique, les applications de paris limiteront considérablement le montant de votre mise. Les parieurs professionnels configurent des robots pour simuler des comportements addictifs, se connectent tous les jours de 2h à 4h du matin, l’application vous enverra ensuite de l’argent bonus.

Par f0urxio


  1. Important-Stock-4504

    Gambling addictions are scary as fuck. These apps need to be reigned in

  2. Diamond--95

    This is something that people should know, for real. The sportsbooks don’t have to pay you out. They can cut you off for any reason at any time, and they will do it if you’re not losing money.

  3. I’m shocked, shocked that gambling apps are setup to take advantage of the users. That is the opposite of how I expect businesses in the gambling arena would operate.

  4. Jetersweiner

    Vegas has been using the same kind of tricks forever. Gambling is a loser machine by design.

  5. As an NYG fan I feel personally attacked by this graphic

  6. throwaway47292678

    I know it’s a massive industry and let’s face it throwing a few bucks on games every once in a while can be fun, but something has to be done about sports betting

  7. Noy_Telinu

    America saw what happened to Australia and said « worth it » and now in this mess as well.

  8. Pleasant_Welder_8301

    No way. You’re telling me that gambling apps are optimized to get you to spend a ton of money and make you addicted? Then when you win too much they try to push you away? I definitely didn’t see this coming 

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