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(Nightengale) La MLB annonce que les joueurs porteront à nouveau les maillots de leurs propres équipes lors du All-Star Game, comme avant.

(Nightengale) La MLB annonce que les joueurs porteront à nouveau les maillots de leurs propres équipes lors du All-Star Game, comme avant.

Par Elijahc513


  1. infieldmitt

    thank you boob thank you god

    and the names will be legible next year too! (all completely unforced errors in the first place…)

  2. Ugaalive1991

    Thank the fuck. Give me that Braves uniform next year

  3. I’m conflicted about this news, on one hand I like that this is a change a lot of people have been wanting, on the other hand I remember watching the All-Star Game as a kid and being like “why are they wearing different jerseys? They’re playing for the same team, they should be wearing the same jerseys, they should have special All-Star Game jerseys!” and there’s a part of me that doesn’t wanna let that go 😅 

  4. beefytrout

    so basically the ones from this year were so universally hated that we decided to kill the idea altogether.

  5. AcerRubrum

    Are they giving us good news just to soften the blow of some ridiculous shit like ABS?

  6. Worthyness

    I’m convinced they specifically did it this year so that Oakland would never have a jersey in the All star game ever again


    How long until teams create all star jersey alternates like the city connects and we are back here again?

  8. Heat55wade

    I’m so used to everything just becoming worse that this seems too good to be true. Awesome win for fans if true. Love seeing every team actually get to be represented on the field

  9. i_run_from_problems

    Our riots worked!

    Ok what are we doing next

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