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Lors de leur dernier match de la saison régulière, Shin-soo Choo reçoit une standing ovation de la part du public local des SSG Landers lors de sa dernière présence au bâton de sa carrière de baseball. Choo prendra sa retraite après la saison KBO 2024.

Lors de leur dernier match de la saison régulière, Shin-soo Choo reçoit une standing ovation de la part du public local des SSG Landers lors de sa dernière présence au bâton de sa carrière de baseball. Choo prendra sa retraite après la saison KBO 2024.

Par Reignaaldo


  1. Choo was my first favorite baseball player. When he was still with Cleveland, my aunt had the opportunity to work a fundraising event where she would be paired with a player for the day, and offered to bring me with her. For some reason, I didn’t want to, and of course she ended up paired with Choo. She told me he was the nicest person ever, and took a picture with her and signed a bunch of stuff for me.

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