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(Point fort) Au 9e lancer du match au bâton, Wenceel Pérez frappe un double de 2 points pour les Tigers

(Point fort) Au 9e lancer du match au bâton, Wenceel Pérez frappe un double de 2 points pour les Tigers

Par MLBOfficial


  1. coriscause

    In 3 PAs versus Pepiot, he has 2 BB, 1 GRD, saw 26 pitches and a 3-2 count each PA, and fouled off 12 pitches

  2. SterlingAdmiral

    I swear the umpires were conspiring against Pepiot this inning. Blew the strike three call early in the inning, and gave two borderline swinging strike calls to Meadows as well.

  3. the_dayman56

    An amazing AB. Gritty Tigs Gettin it done again

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