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(Friedman) Paul Skenes, balle rapide à 100 mph, splinker à 95 mph, balayeuse à 85 mph et changement de vitesse à 88 mph, superposition de 4 lancers

(Friedman) Paul Skenes, balle rapide à 100 mph, splinker à 95 mph, balayeuse à 85 mph et changement de vitesse à 88 mph, superposition de 4 lancers

Par Jux_


  1. yacht_boy

    Man, I wish they’d do this so much more often. I intellectually understand what pitchers do, but I’m just not good enough at watching baseball to see it without this kind of visual aid..

  2. To maintain that indistinguishable delivery across *four pitches* is beyond unfair, lmao.

    Reminds me how in 2008, someone did the same style overlay (on a now long-extinct website) with prime Tim Lincecum’s fastball and changeup delivery and it was clear as day how he rode pretty much just those two pitches to back-to-back Cy Youngs; his indistinguishable delivery was such a big part of how untouchable his change up was for a few years.

    Skenes is a bad, bad man.

  3. Kevin69138

    damn it. talent like this should be partipcating in meaningful baseball. Then again he gets to enjoy his time off with Livvy

  4. that delivery

    that 88 mph changeup

    that moustache

    he’s filthier than prime Sasha Grey, Catherine the Great, or whatever was going on in Caligula’s den of sin

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