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Alex Cora est expulsé en première manche après une discussion animée avec les arbitres au sujet d’une interférence

Alex Cora est expulsé en première manche après une discussion animée avec les arbitres au sujet d’une interférence

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. Redbubble89

    It was the correct call but nuts that Baldelli asked the extra base for it even though the runner got back safely.

  2. -orangejoe

    A Boone-like performance. The motioning at the base comes off a little forced, but even so this is some of the best work I’ve seen from Cora. Impressive.

  3. IppeiMizuhara

    I’m impressed Cora can actually get ejected. Thought he had immunity.


    Makes sense. Sox are out of the wildcard race and NFL just kicked off.

    Perfect time to tell an crew how you feel about them.

  5. damien_maymdien

    It was obstruction, not interference. Interference is when the runner impedes the fielder.

    The relevant part of the rulebook is Rule 6.01(h)(1):

    >If a play is being made on the obstructed runner…[t]he obstructed runner shall be awarded at least one base beyond the base he had last legally touched before the obstruction.

    Buxton was obstructed while a play was being made on him, and the last base he legally touched was 2nd, so it was mandatory to award him 3rd.

    I think it would be reasonable if the rules were updated for next year to say that no extra base needs to be awarded if the runner is obstructed going *back* to a base.

  6. Key_Amazed

    If the Red Sox make the playoffs, Cora will have this ump to thank for getting them going.

    *Checks standings* Oh wait…

  7. Thanks to Cora’s ejection, the Red Sox put three runs.

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