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Hank Aaron assis dans une station-service à Mobile, en Alabama, en 1974, une semaine avant de battre le record de home run de Babe Ruth.

Hank Aaron assis dans une station-service à Mobile, en Alabama, en 1974, une semaine avant de battre le record de home run de Babe Ruth.

Par j3434


  1. derbysNOTbrogues

    Is there any back story to this? Just hanging out at the gas station? Reminds me of the randy Moss thing where he went back home in West Virginia and everyone hangs out at the 7-11

  2. TrevorBoreance

    « Color photography has existed for like 15-20 years, why is this still in black and white? »

  3. DecoyOne

    Just a reminder that he preferred Henry, not Hank

  4. bangity1

    I’m reading his book right now … I’m enjoying it

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