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(Jomboy) Grimace réclame un enfant pour chaque victoire des Mets (h/t @runwildkian)

(Jomboy) Grimace réclame un enfant pour chaque victoire des Mets (h/t @runwildkian)

Par Captpan6


  1. AnnihilatedTyro

    Anything to beat the Yankees. Do whatcha gotta do, Grimace.

  2. Thiswasamistake19

    Kid’s gonna respawn in 15 years ripped with a tan, speaking full blown Dominican Spanish and be hitting bombs left and right. Grimace isn’t just our messiah this season, he’s setting us up in the future too

  3. iheartsunny


  4. Disused_Yeti

    *Now, if you push the button, two things will happen. First, someone, somewhere in the world, whom you don’t know…will die. second…grimace will ensure a mets win*

    mets fans be like


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