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(Point culminant) DJ LeMahieu joue une petite défense de ligue permettant à Lindor de se classer deuxième

(Point culminant) DJ LeMahieu joue une petite défense de ligue permettant à Lindor de se classer deuxième

Par JacobDeGod48


  1. irishfan321

    The Yankees are like that 3-headed dragon meme except the third head is literally everyone except Judge and Soto

  2. kirky-jerky

    This is sad considering how much people are already shitting on him.

  3. cooljammer00

    Thankfully it didn’t end up mattering and he didn’t score, but yeesh.

  4. batmansascientician

    That was somehow still better than his last at bat

  5. TheDangiestSlad

    DJ is so cooked man, it breaks my heart

    he’s actually worse than Ellsbury was 🙁

  6. WhereTheFallsBegin

    Good for him for securing the bag but giving this juiced ball merchant that contract was such a stupid decision

  7. GrandJudgment

    DJ this ain’t fielding practice buddy 😂😂😂

  8. insert-originality

    That should get you benched. I’ve gotta know what was in his mind before he whiffed on that.

  9. the-spaghetti-wives

    Apart from Volpe, the Yankees need an entirely new infield.

  10. Pretty_Good_At_IRL

    Batting .185, so he’s got that going for himself.

  11. ForensicFiles88

    LeMahieu is currently at 93 career stolen bases, will he get to 100?

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