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(surligner) les White Sox oublient combien il y a eu d’outs et le jeu se termine sur un double jeu

(surligner) les White Sox oublient combien il y a eu d’outs et le jeu se termine sur un double jeu

Par Stock412


  1. SemperPieratus

    The worst tragedies are the ones that force you to laugh, and this absolute clown car of a team has me in stitches.

  2. rbhindepmo

    DeJong woulda been in position to score from 3rd if the CF didn’t catch that can of corn flyout to CF

  3. TheCrabLordEsmeralda

    I’m beginning to suspect the White Sox may not be a very good team.

  4. I feel like somewhere a White Sox fan knew before the season that it was just gonna be bad, hoped the season would at least be « entertaining » and a monkey’s paw curled.

  5. champdo

    It’s been a rough season for us in Detroit but it’s good to see it could always get worse.

  6. stormstopper

    It’s a good thing we promoted Chris Getz to GM, anyone else would’ve needed at least a year to get this team playing good, solid, fundamental baseball!

  7. VINCE_C_

    We are baaaaaad, but at least we are not this. This is just too perfect. White Sox perfected the art of not being a baseball team.

  8. mansontaco

    2 teams who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands and a flashlight going at it

  9. Greenforaday

    Showing the Benetti call of this is just rubbing salt in the wound, lol.

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