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Histoires effrayantes de racisme durable du légendaire Reggie Jackson en réponse à la question d’AROD sur le retour à Rickwood Field. « Je ne le souhaiterais à personne. » Il raconte comment des gens ont menacé d’incendier l’appartement où il résidait.

Histoires effrayantes de racisme durable du légendaire Reggie Jackson en réponse à la question d’AROD sur le retour à Rickwood Field. « Je ne le souhaiterais à personne. » Il raconte comment des gens ont menacé d’incendier l’appartement où il résidait.

Par Stock412


  1. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    What I find hilarious is that it’s FOX of all media sources highlighting racism and how bad it is

  2. This is one of the greatest interviews I’ve ever seen

  3. Stock412

    I guarantee you that Fox/MLB had no idea what Reggie Jackson was going to say here

  4. Smooth-Mouse9517

    There was more to it too. Him talking about lynchings and how he probably would have wound up “hanging from an oak tree” if not for his white teammates protecting him.

    Really hard to listen to. And a really, poignant, needed reminder that things like this are not some ancient history of a by gone era.

  5. TurnedIntoA_Newt

    I was spellbound watching this live. Enraging, heartbreaking words. This whole event is such an incredible production by fox gotta say.

  6. Groovybooty45

    I am very surprised a producer didn’t cut this off sooner. That story got so real so fast haha. People think history is only found in books and racism is in the past, no sir. Glad I got to watch it live!

  7. RepresentativeAd7384

    this is so refreshing man, good on Fox for letting him finish

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