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(Point culminant) Luke Weaver lance la finale alors que les Yankees de New York atteignent leur deuxième ALCS en trois saisons ! (appel de John Sterling)

(Point culminant) Luke Weaver lance la finale alors que les Yankees de New York atteignent leur deuxième ALCS en trois saisons ! (appel de John Sterling)

Par Pyromania1983


  1. cooljammer00

    I’m glad the Yankees won something because it would be a real dick kick if Sterling came out of retirement just to call 3 quick losses or whatever.

  2. Slinky_Malingki

    Dammit Royals y’all were the chosen ones

    Guess the Guards or Kitties will have to be the new chosen ones

  3. CasanovaWong

    Turns out the Royals were lucky it wasn’t a sweep

  4. Card_Board_Robot_5

    Well that hurts

    Even with the walks, this series felt like it could have turned on just a couple pitches and that 2nd base review call.

    Royals kept it close the whole way

    Yanks bullpen is stellar. Infield is solid. Big bats. Can’t do much about that.

    I do straight up dislike Volpe and Chisolm now tho.

  5. latterdaysasuke

    « Yay, the Royals lost! »

    « Ew, the Yankees won. »

    -Duality of being a Baltimore sports fan.

  6. ThomasJCarcetti

    I was listening on the train home on the shitty MLB app I smiled

  7. MutantstyleZ

    I was going to save this news for later but I just cant wait. I am pregnant with Luke Weavers child.

  8. DentistFun2776

    Sterling 14 years older than Costas, at an age where every year matters, yet isn’t half as washed

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