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(Eric Dillie) On dirait que Vegas conserve officiellement le vert et l’or – et oui, le nom Athletics reste. Mais ces dés dans le logo ? Un peu ringard, mais bon, c’est Vegas ! 🤷‍♂️🎲

(Eric Dillie) On dirait que Vegas conserve officiellement le vert et l’or – et oui, le nom Athletics reste. Mais ces dés dans le logo ? Un peu ringard, mais bon, c’est Vegas ! 🤷‍♂️🎲

Par Mission-Guidance4782


  1. OsmosisJonesFanClub

    Why would they go with the dice when the Ace card was right there

  2. It’s crazy they prob paid some design firm 6-7 figures to come up with something this stupid

  3. cardith_lorda

    I don’t see why Athletics would go, they stuck with it from Philly to Kansas City and KC to Oakland.

  4. WilliamHealy

    Wanted the Silver State Sluggers, but come on, they couldn’t even make it look like a poker chip??

  5. zandsburn

    This is literally just a fan rendering ripped from google. Nothing official about this logo.

  6. hundredjono

    Looks great for the ~~Sacramento A’s~~ Las Vegas A’s.

  7. LarryJohnson76

    Fuck Fisher Fuck Meruelo Fuck Vegas Fuck Utah. Ruining our sports for profit and their own ego

  8. horsepoop1123

    This isn’t official. Nothing about this is official.

    Kyle Tellier, a senior art director based in SF, posted a few different logo designs for the A’s online. [Here’s]( the link to his website.

  9. HowardBunnyColvin

    I hope the deal falls apart. It’s far from a certainty.

  10. I call shenanigans. “But hey, it’s Vegas” doesn’t excuse every stupid thing just because it’s Vegas.

  11. damnyoutuesday

    This is actually a concept logo stolen from []( forums. The creator lawyered up and will probably be suing the team. It’s not the official Las Vegas A’s logo

  12. AutographedSnorkel

    They should have had the dice show snake eyes as a tribute to John Fisher

  13. Super_Goomba64

    Vegas As

    On FanDuel Network

    The league is corrupt and rigged.

  14. Nats_CurlyW

    The corniest thing is that the New York New York casino is what you see in left field. Very tacky looking.

  15. fakerandyortonwwe

    Based on comments, they stole this logo from a designer who’s lawyering up?

    Nothing about this process hasn’t been a disaster, but my goodness this is just par for the course now

  16. Any reason behind 6 and 15 showing on the dice? Maybe to make 21?

  17. lordexorr

    Not a fan that they are keeping the name and logo. Just have a new team.

  18. ForsakenRacism

    I watched this live and the announcer was like you will be able to see players like ohtani and judge right here in Vegas 🤣

  19. Pretty_Good_At_IRL


  20. Good_Nyborg

    Projected onto a broken down building – how fitting.

    Fuck Fisher and fuck the owners who support him.

  21. Hot-Engineering2233

    With special mascot: Andrew Dice Clay!

  22. soulmagic123

    When i was in Spain last I counted way more A’s hats than any other team, Yankees was second. It’s a great brand, and of course they are keeping it.

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