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(Passan) Voici un angle de caméra alternatif du 3B de San Diego Manny Machado lançant une balle vers l’abri des Dodgers de Los Angeles lors du deuxième match de la NLDS, obtenu par ESPN.

(Passan) Voici un angle de caméra alternatif du 3B de San Diego Manny Machado lançant une balle vers l’abri des Dodgers de Los Angeles lors du deuxième match de la NLDS, obtenu par ESPN.

Par tierdrop


  1. Jud000619

    What do you want me to do with this information, Jeff?

  2. Keep praying for Dave Roberts’ healing from such a traumatic assault.

  3. captainbuckets1

    What’re we doing man? Let them settle this on the field.

  4. Nothing new in this 4 second clip of what was already a nothing burger

  5. I guess I am essentially contributing to it further by posting here but I cannot believe this currently is, and ever was, a Thing.

  6. Constant_Gardner11

    glad we’re getting a zapruder film of this incident

    maybe there was another thrower in the grassy knoll just out of frame

  7. Disappointed this didn’t come with a trigger warning.

  8. StayElmo7

    Michael Jordan can make up better things in his head than this.

  9. Antithesys

    The Dodgers released this video during their press conference outside Four Seasons Landscaping.

  10. SlimJimMagoo

    Fuck the Padres and all, but Roberts and the Dodgers submitting this to MLB is some of the softest bullshit they’ve ever pulled. Move on and win the next two games if SD’s antics bother you that much smh.

    And we wonder why we get our asses handed to us every postseason…

  11. gavinashun

    This one makes it look EVEN LESS like anything.

  12. GaryTheCabalGuy

    That’s it, I’m no longer a Padres fan. This Sinister Sling is the last straw. I can’t in good faith root for such a villainous team, led by such a monster like Manny Machado. I feel bad for Roberts. He almost died, and should be sure to wear full body armor tonight. The Dodgers are a classy organization that are VICTIMS of the VILLAINOUS Padres.

  13. No-Cartographer1965

    Waiter waiter! Can I get some more Nothing on my Burger please!

  14. Can’t wait for Manny to roll the baseball like a bowling ball later tonite

  15. OkPhilosophy7895

    I have a clearer idea of what happened to Kennedy.

  16. Fartnocker1420

    1.) This « drama » is being created by the media because it gets clicks and makes them money

    2.) Dave Roberts is trying to change up the energy and stir up bullshit because his team got their ass beat at their home stadium and the Padres have all the momentum

    3.) Notice how very little is being talked about now regarding Profar and the fans throwing a ball and trash onto the field? By design

    4.) Fuck the Dodgers. So funny how Dodgers fans wonder why the league despises them. They play the victim constantly yet they spent $1 Billion this off season on 2 players and are tied to their « non-rival » down south

  17. CauliflowerOne5740

    I’m glad Peter Seidler wasn’t alive to see this.

  18. amidalarama

    I resent dave roberts for putting me in a position to defend manny machado

  19. the_answer_is_RUSH

    I’m surprised Dave Roberts can even go back into the dugout from the PTSD.

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