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(DiComo) Joey Lucchesi est appelé pour lancer le deuxième match pour les Mets. Retour de la Churve. 🤌🤌🤌

(DiComo) Joey Lucchesi est appelé pour lancer le deuxième match pour les Mets. Retour de la Churve. 🤌🤌🤌

Par jl_23


  1. LegitimateMoney00

    So did they just stash Lucchesi in the clubhouse the whole first game? Lmao

  2. Purples_A_Fruit

    If the Braves clubhouse didn’t leave a boatload of beer/champagne for the Mets to celebrate with after winning game 1, it’s malpractice.

  3. Minimum_Customer4017

    I think if you’re mendoza, you tell him that one way or another, you’re getting 27 outs

  4. cooljammer00

    I thought you weren’t allowed to make roster moves for this?

  5. Davidellias

    Is he the Mets version of Eric Lauer against LA?

  6. ContinuumGuy

    Joey Lucchesi now most popular pitcher in Arizona.

  7. Jud000619

    Joey Lucchesi brought Joe Musgrove to San Diego. He will always be valuable here

  8. Saucy_Totchie

    Get ready for a 9IP 200+ pitch masterclass for Lucchesi.

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