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Un incendie chimique géant souffle du chlore gazeux sur Atlanta pour le moment, le programme double d’aujourd’hui pourrait même ne pas être sûr à jouer

Par itoi5G


  1. TrevorBoreance

    People really want this to just be canceled and are begging for excuses to cancel it

  2. Well shit. That could put someone in the hospital for sure.

  3. Phillies2002

    Well it’s a good thing that I have it on good authority that the Braves don’t play in Atlanta

  4. Various_You_5083

    Everyone, including nature, is trying to get the games canceled

  5. Winds are blowing gently ENE today. Conyers is a solid hour drive on a good day from the stadium from the southeast.

    Not an issue for the game. 

  6. Super_Goomba64

    FanDuel released the gas to fuck over everyone’s bets and future bets

    Stay woke 👀

  7. CicadaAdditional3945

    I believe there was a player on the Mets who was a big fan of chlorine gas. I don’t know his name, but that player will hit three home runs today.

  8. ContinuumGuy

    I have no idea if this actually affects the game given weather patterns and distances and such, but we need to consider that perhaps the two teams just aren’t meant to play these games due to some sort of curse.

  9. Will_Vintage

    If God is real he really doesn’t want the games played

  10. TheCrookedKnight

    Fun fact: the fire happened because the dipshits running this plant put a chemical that burns when exposed to water in a room with a sprinkler system

  11. GrunkleVans

    I think both games should be canceled and both teams are kicked out of the wildcard. It’s clearly god’s will.

  12. scott6194

    Ugh why would the Braves not a have a plan for this? /s

  13. 0rangePolarBear

    Welp, I guess Mets and Braves can just split the games then? Only way to be fair. Sorry AZ.

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