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(Nightengale) La saison de l’arrêt-court des San Diego Padres Ha-Seong Kim est terminée, a déclaré le manager Mike Shildt.

(Nightengale) La saison de l’arrêt-court des San Diego Padres Ha-Seong Kim est terminée, a déclaré le manager Mike Shildt.

Par Goosedukee


  1. That sucks, was hoping to see him in the playoffs.

  2. … because he’s going into the *post* season, right?


  3. Skywalkerkid9

    It sucks that the Padres are gonna probably dump him after he was the only bright spot on their team last year

  4. i-exist20

    The Padres will really have to scramble to find someone else on their roster who can play shortstop

    Jokes aside this sucks

  5. Where ever will the Padres find a shortstop so last minute??

  6. Due_Connection179

    I was at least hoping to watch my favorite players in the postseason…this sucks.

  7. GoldGloveHosmer

    I remember Padres fans were mad and downvoted me into oblivion when I said I think his shoulder injury could be season ending.

    I hope he can still get paid elsewhere, he deserves it.

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