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Rappelant quand la MLB a légalisé les battes en aluminium – le 1er avril 1989.

Rappelant quand la MLB a légalisé les battes en aluminium – le 1er avril 1989.

Par CountrymanR60


  1. allthatglittersis___

    LOL juiced up Conseco with an Aluminum bat would’ve hit the ball 1,000 feet

  2. please tell me they actually allowed this for one day in Spring Training

  3. Mission-Guidance4782

    Unironically they should allow aluminum bats for the home run derby or something like that

    I want to see how far the balls can go

  4. Back then there was a much larger difference between wood and aluminum than there is today

  5. LeggoMyGallego

    It’s a crime that they went to the trouble of making this and yet didn’t include one shot of McGwire or Canseco actually hitting a ball with an aluminum bat.

  6. Quirky_Fruit_7879

    Could you imagine aluminum bats today??? Pitchers gonna have Vietnam flashbacks every time they see a baseball.

  7. Did anyone else read this thread title and immediately hear a metal CLANK in their head? 😆

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