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« C’est juste ici, c’est tout simplement le pire de ce que le sport peut être. » – Scott Van Pelt après le dernier match de l’Athlétisme au Oakland Coliseum.

« C’est juste ici, c’est tout simplement le pire de ce que le sport peut être. » – Scott Van Pelt après le dernier match de l’Athlétisme au Oakland Coliseum.

Par IceBlast24


  1. Pleasant_Welder_8301

    Was there a big controversy when the other teams left? I don’t remember much of anything back then. 

  2. Any-Patient5051

    I only read the statement and saw the starting picture and I thought wow that’s kinda harsh but okay.
    To be fair, the picture showed Angels Vs. White Sox.

  3. cooljammer00

    « Have you heard any dissenting voices outside of Oakland, saying this is a great idea? »

    Actually, there seem to be people on this sub saying Oakland deserved to lose their team and that Vegas (where there is apparently no stadium, nor land, nor plan to build a stadium on that land) will be great for them because….Vegas likes hockey and enough people fly to Vegas to enjoy 8 Raiders games a year.

  4. StrigiStockBacking

    Everybody always forgets the California Golden Seals (RIP: 1967 – 1976).

  5. Competitive_Food4020

    Even if they do go to Vegas. You know how dumb it will be to watch an A’s vs. Twins, and the only Jersey’s in the crowd are stars from other teams.

  6. ZarosGuardian

    Hopefully Oakland will be able to get a new lease in life. It’s super depressing that they lost three sports teams in the course of about a half decade or so.

  7. Raiderman112

    Scott was right in everything he said. Without a team in Oakland we may never get another Dave Stewart or Rickey Henderson, they were Oakland children that were inspired by the Coliseum and the A’s.

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