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(Atlantique) Légaliser les jeux de hasard sportifs a été une énorme erreur. Une étude a montré que pour chaque dollar dépensé en paris, les ménages mettent 2 dollars de moins sur leurs comptes d’investissement. Forte augmentation du risque de découvert d’un compte bancaire ou de plafonnement d’une carte de crédit. Les plus touchés chez les jeunes hommes vivant dans des comtés à faible revenu

(Atlantique) Légaliser les jeux de hasard sportifs a été une énorme erreur. Une étude a montré que pour chaque dollar dépensé en paris, les ménages mettent 2 dollars de moins sur leurs comptes d’investissement. Forte augmentation du risque de découvert d’un compte bancaire ou de plafonnement d’une carte de crédit. Les plus touchés chez les jeunes hommes vivant dans des comtés à faible revenu

Par f0urxio


  1. KickerOfThyAss

    Who needs to save money when you can hit it big gambling?

  2. DeliveryEquivalent87

    They’re going to either gamble on sports or options with Nana’s money

  3. oogieball

    Literally everyone knew what the outcome would be, but because it mostly only screws the poor, no one stopped it.

  4. quercus_lobata925

    “Hmm interesting. This news update brought to you by DraftKings. And now back to the Las Vegas A’s game.”

  5. RevolutionFast8676

    Saw that coming. Any time you mix big business with vice, the world becomes a worse place in objective and measurable ways. 

  6. CalRipkenForCommish

    No sane person thought this was a good idea. Study after study shows those who can least afford it gamble more of their money away.

  7. Of course it was bad. Gambling has always been exploitative in nature, preying on the poor, gullible and desperate. Turning it into a completely inescapable, fully embedded part of every sports broadcast will only help grow it into a nationwide epidemic. At least before, you had to go out of your way to gamble, and people with gambling addiction could watch games without being bombarded with constant temptation to throw their paycheck away, or worse.

  8. Maybe we should just let grown ups do what they want and not have to ask approval from the Hall Monitors.

  9. DickySchmidt33

    The least surprising news item of the day.

  10. I’m surprised i never even considered betting on anything up to this point with all the ads and in your face marketing non stop when watching sports.

  11. ForsakenRacism

    This has nothing to do with baseball. I like
    Prize picks and personally am up

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