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(Vietti) Il s’agit d’une photo puissante de Clay Wood, le jardinier en chef de A, consolé alors qu’il prépare une dernière fois le terrain au Oakland Coliseum. C’était la 31e et dernière saison de Clay avec le club. Des centaines d’autres perdront leur emploi. (Photo de Lachlan Cunningham/Getty Images)

(Vietti) Il s’agit d’une photo puissante de Clay Wood, le jardinier en chef de A, consolé alors qu’il prépare une dernière fois le terrain au Oakland Coliseum. C’était la 31e et dernière saison de Clay avec le club. Des centaines d’autres perdront leur emploi. (Photo de Lachlan Cunningham/Getty Images)

Par IceBlast24


  1. coolmod23

    Watching the game itself with the Coliseum full of fans was kind of exciting but now it’s over and I’m gutted.

  2. LongTimesGoodTimes

    All this sadness so a rich dude can have a new stadium for less out of his pocket…

  3. The_Uncut_Gem

    I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing one of my teams, and Oakland has lost all 3 after being some of the most dedicated fans you could ever be.

  4. 7-5NoHits

    Our emotional investment is what makes this sport possible. It could not be clearer that the ownership structure of baseball would gladly spit on all of that for a quick payday.

  5. SnooChipmunks4208

    Groundskeeper take incredible pride in their work. This is a slap in the face.

  6. Fuck John Fisher with baseball bat one time for every dollar he inherited from his mommy and daddy.

  7. Damn_Dog_Inappropes

    This whole situation is just so fucked up!

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