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(Point culminant) Les fans scandent « Let’s Go Oakland » pour la dernière fois

(Point culminant) Les fans scandent « Let’s Go Oakland » pour la dernière fois

Par Goosedukee


  1. suzukigun4life

    Kotsay was trying to hold back tears during his speech. Such a memorable but sad scene.

  2. MaxMuncyRectangleMan

    I would run through a wall for Mark Kotsay

  3. MacsDildoBike

    I was hoping for it to bleed into a “Fuck John Fisher” chant

  4. SiphenPrax

    Hopefully John Fisher is forced to hear this chant for the rest of his life in pain and agony

  5. « *Today, there is crying in baseball.* » – Cavnar

  6. OK_SpeakToMe

    That is absolutely beautiful, shows you the passion Oakland has for the team. Feel for them as John Fisher’s greed won out. They deserved better.

  7. Sp_Gamer_Live

    Fisher: “Lets go Oakland? No! Lets Go, Oakland!”

  8. DarthHaze

    Fucking broke me. This is so unfair. We should be chanting it again next season.

  9. MrRadDadHimself

    That was such a powerful moment, that chant by this many people will never be done again. What an emotional goodbye.

  10. yung_ag38

    Oakland really lost 3 professional franchises in such a short time. That shits gotta hurt

  11. …this is probably the anxiety in me talking, but ugh…I am *really* scared of the possibility of the White Sox going this route one day…

  12. HighKing_of_Festivus

    Travesty for the sport. Fuck John Fisher.

  13. This hurts for the entirety of the region.

    The Bay is home. We’ve had been a two team market for nearly 60 years. It’s just so wrong

  14. Demetrios1453

    Good for that Oakland crowd! Looks like other than a couple of exceptions earlier, they didn’t do anything stupid like storming the field and the like. They let the players and coaches give them a respectful goodbye (it’s not their fault they’re leaving, after all, but ownership’s) without running wild like some were predicting.

  15. Oakland deserves so much better and my heart hurts for ya’ll. Fuck John Fisher.

  16. mansontaco

    I’m sorry oakland, we can all piss on fishers grave one day

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