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Foule au Coliseum pour le dernier match à domicile des A à Oakland

Foule au Coliseum pour le dernier match à domicile des A à Oakland

Par BudweiserSucks


  1. CydoniaKnight

    Great turnout for a Thursday afternoon game. Finally managed to make it to the Coliseum for a game last weekend, the fans were great.

  2. JewishDoggy

    Did they ever take the tarps off those upper deck middle field seats? Yowza what a long way from home plate lol

  3. Watching this game is making me so terribly depressed. I can’t imagine what you A’s fans are feeling. Sorry bros 🙁

  4. Props to all of the parents who took their kids out of school to be there.

    Some will say it’s bad parenting but I think it’s great to have your kid see the final game at the historic Oakland coliseum.

  5. DeckardsDreams

    I just watched the seventh inning stretch. I CANNOT imagine how that must feel to watch your beloved baseball team for the final time. I hope I never do. It’s just awful. Truly awful. Shameful. My heart goes out to Oakland.

  6. Ah jeez, they stayed at the ballpark on the broadcast for the last « Take Me Out to the Ballgame »

    >…I don’t care if I ever get back


    Fuck. I will miss that fucking place

  7. god damn this sucks

    these people gave so much to this franchise for over 50 years all for it to mean nothing in the end

  8. Mogilny89Leafs

    I just watched the 7th inning stretch and people in the stands were crying.

  9. TechnoDriv3

    Gonna be an interesting contrast to the tourists in Vegas

  10. snuffle-bunny

    I’m listening to the broadcast on the radio and just so sad for Oakland.

  11. chillinwithmoes

    Every time I see this stadium I’m just disgusted by Mount Davis

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