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Un agent de sécurité du Oakland Coliseum simule à deux reprises un ballon de plage rendu à la foule avant de le dégonfler.

Un agent de sécurité du Oakland Coliseum simule à deux reprises un ballon de plage rendu à la foule avant de le dégonfler.

Par Goosedukee


  1. Goosedukee

    This guy is now the second-most hated man in Oakland

  2. Low_Fuel_9991

    Was waiting the whole time for it to end up on the field 😂

  3. LegitimateMoney00

    It’s absolutely crazy there rn, I’ve seen already three other vids on Twitter of fans getting into confrontations with security guards.

    That field is gonna be destroyed by the end of the game lmao

  4. ManInShowerNumber3

    Dude somebody spent 50 minutes blowing it (up).

  5. AaronDontJudgeMe

    Guy has been dreaming of doing this his entire time working there and was like « fuck it im out of a job tomorrow anyway »


    Didn’t realize Cesaro moonlit as coliseum security

  7. TheG-What

    Fuck this guy. What are they gonna do? Fire you?

  8. Reiketsu_Nariseba

    That’s just John Fisher in disguise.

  9. tenacious-g

    Well, the fanbase has at least one seasonal worker they won’t feel bad for losing their job.

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