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(Nightengale) Dave Stewart : « C’est comme voir le corps, puis vous allez au service funéraire, et maintenant vous vous effondrez. »

(Nightengale) Dave Stewart : « C’est comme voir le corps, puis vous allez au service funéraire, et maintenant vous vous effondrez. »

Par OK_SpeakToMe


  1. No_Departure102

    This is the perfect way to analyze this. It’s so sad. John Fisher needs to sell and fuck off.

  2. OK_SpeakToMe

    Stew is pulling no punches here on the emotions of the day. Who ever forger the dominant pressure he had with the As with those four straight 20 win seasons.

    I was at his no hitter in Toronto against the my Blue Jays, you definitely appreciate moments like that even when they are against your side.

  3. OK_SpeakToMe

    I would love to see Stew stare down Josh Fisher, what are the odds some former A goes at him , gives him a mouthful if the chicken shit is even there.

  4. John Fisher could have just enjoyed his trust fund in relative obscurity but no, he can’t fucking help himself and just had to go out of his way to make himself one of the most hated people in American sports. What a world class piece of garbage.

  5. NovemberKiloAlpha

    Watching the final game at the Coliseum from home is painful.

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