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(O’Brien) La MLB avance lentement sur des questions qui nécessitent une action rapide et décisive. La trajectoire de l’ouragan est connue depuis 4 ou 5 jours. Les Mets et les Braves étaient en repos lundi. Les faire commencer la série lundi aurait réduit la durée à un match pour rattraper celle de lundi prochain. Et déplacer le match d’aujourd’hui à midi aurait pu permettre une série entière.

(O’Brien) La MLB avance lentement sur des questions qui nécessitent une action rapide et décisive. La trajectoire de l’ouragan est connue depuis 4 ou 5 jours. Les Mets et les Braves étaient en repos lundi. Les faire commencer la série lundi aurait réduit la durée à un match pour rattraper celle de lundi prochain. Et déplacer le match d’aujourd’hui à midi aurait pu permettre une série entière.

Par TomasRoncero


  1. WorkThrowaway400

    Instead it’s 2:43 and they haven’t announced a fucking thing yet.

  2. kevboyyyy

    They’re really gonna end up having to play a double header the day before the first wildcard game. Brutal for both teams

  3. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    You’d think league with teams in Florida, Southern Texas, and other areas commonly affected by Hurricanes would already have a clear protocol for things like this

  4. bwburke94

    For that matter, why wasn’t the April 10 makeup rescheduled for Monday in the first place to give insurance against potential weather disruptions? There wouldn’t have been any significant travel concerns.

  5. derpbynature

    And they selected Mets-Braves as the Free Game of the Day on

  6. There’s a perfectly available stadium a short plane ride away that one of these teams controls. Why is this so difficult. Do either of these teams want to really play a double header on Monday? This seems insane.

    Why wouldn’t they move the time up today at least? That seemed like the simplest decision ever.

  7. SaltyEarth7905

    It’s really unfair that the Mets have to try and fly out of this weather to Milwaukee when they could have either scheduled something in a neutral site or moved the games up. I understand the Braves are entitled to play at home and get the revenue but having the Mets fly around and doing it last minute is terrible on mlb’s part.

  8. ManInShowerNumber3

    Isn’t that the call of the team? Tigers moved their night game to the afternoon yesterday without much fuss even with a less than 24 hour notice.

  9. verdi1987

    It’s wild that they had no contingency plan. For the Southern California hurricane that turned into a whimper they had a plan.

    In the past they have moved series to neutral sites:

    * Sept. 14-15, 2008: Chicago Cubs at Houston Astros in Miller Park (Milwaukee). Moved due to Hurricane Ike

    * Aug. 29-31, 2017: Texas Rangers at Houston Astros in Tropicana Field (Tampa). Moved due to Hurricane Harvey

    * Sept. 11-13, 2017: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays in Citi Field (New York). Moved due to Hurricane Irma

  10. ThisGuy6266

    I still remember how badly they botched the 2008 World Series.

  11. I was looking at buying a game-used ball, but I realized I could never buy something with Manfred’s printed signature on it in good faith. what an ass

  12. BlueLondon1905

    Another day, another thing proving that Rob Manfred is unfit for his role. Disgraceful.

  13. The hurricane has nothing to do with the weather today.

  14. this incompetence is next level and the braves org is wild for being willing to endanger fans like this with a bad forecast tonight.

    this reminds me of when the remnants of ida went through NYC (to very deadly effect) and the mets postponed the game but the US open opted to go on, trapping people for hours either in arthur ashe, or in their cars on the flooded GCP. incompetence.

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