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Les balles de home run 50/50 de Shohei Ohtani sont mises aux enchères

La balle de home run historique 50/50 de Shohei Ohtani est confiée au marché d’objets de collection Goldin ; les enchères débuteront vendredi

Par becoolhomie


  1. Buy it now option for $4.5 mil. Hold on while I search my couch for some extra change to get there.

  2. mr_grission

    This is why you don’t give these back to the team in exchange for a signed bat and a photo opportunity

  3. Zestyclose-Beach1792

    Someone who caught a ball that isn’t a complete moron…you love to see it.

  4. oogieball

    Life changing money or being « a good guy » to a multi-millionaire working for a billionaire-owned company? I know what decision I’d make.

  5. quercus_lobata925

    With millions of bucks you can buy whatever lame game-used and signed merchandise they would have traded to you for the ball.

    Although you can’t buy 2 min with Shohei. TRUST ME. I’ve tried.

  6. ThoughtsRRandom

    Id pay a max 15 dollars for that…people are wild

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