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Qui s’échauffe lorsque la pression monte ? Les différences en WRC+ lorsque le jeu est en jeu.

Avec l’après-saison qui se profile à l’horizon et de véritables matchs à enjeux élevés à venir, je voulais savoir qui est le plus performant sous haute pression. La différence en wRC+ est illustrée lorsque le joueur a un "effet de levier élevé" apparence de la plaque en contraste avec une "faible effet de levier" un. Le petit nombre est la valeur wRC+ aux PA hl mentionnés. Saison 2024 et >42 PA à fort effet de levier (pour obtenir 150 joueurs éligibles).

Par floschue


  1. Profar getting « hit by pitch » in that game against him ended up being a blessing lmao

  2. TheTurtleShepard

    I think they are burying the lead here that Profar has a **324** wRC+ in high leverage situations. The increase in performance is cool but I think the fact he has a **1.617 OPS** in 60 high leverage PAs a more impressive stat

  3. barbara8I7fedotov

    Power hitters love the clutch moments!

  4. LeCheffre

    Oddly, I don’t see Will Smith on there. But there’s Profar at the top.

    Hmmm. Who is really irrelevant?

  5. hypnoticus103

    I wonder how many atbats Jake Bauers has in high leverage because he goes from absolute shit to a god in high leverage situations

  6. ReachLanky2676

    Sure feels like Jonah is having quite the opposite season.

  7. Wise_ol_Buffalo

    Some people in the Ms sub would be very confused to see Julio on this list.

  8. ehholfman

    Damn, I would not have guessed Wyatt would be so high on the list. Granted, he’s had three walk offs this season including a walk off slam.

    Also seeing Profar so dominant this season is 🥹

    Go Padres

  9. cooljammer00

    For as bad/weirdly shaped of an offensive season Volpe has had, I’m surprised he’s on here.

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