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(Point fort) Les A’s d’Oakland, lors du premier match de leur série finale à Oakland, battent les Rangers du Texas.

(Point fort) Les A’s d’Oakland, lors du premier match de leur série finale à Oakland, battent les Rangers du Texas.

Par PlayaSlayaX


  1. ThePrussianGrippe

    Well done, Oakland.

    Watching at the bar I work at without audio. Hoping the fans started the Sell the Team chant again.

  2. aquariumsarescary

    That’s hilariously sad. I feel bad for them man, their owner is such a douche

  3. meowhatissodamnfunny

    Man this week is guna hurt like a bitch.


  4. the_jerminator

    As an A’s fan, I was paranoid that the Rangers were going to challenge that he didn’t touch the plate.

  5. triplec787

    Fuck man. This sucks. Happy for the A’s players and bittersweet for the fans that might have just seen their last run scored at the Coli, but fuck everything about this. Eat shit Fisher.

  6. aznsportsfan

    Say it with me guys

    How can you not be romantic about baseball

  7. Kudos to Heim for taking an elbow straight to the jaw and staying upright.

  8. We are all Oakland fans tonight. Fuck John Fisher.

  9. LegitimateMoney00

    I’m sorry but that female commentator is just god awful to listen to. She sounds like a little kid like the new commentator in Madden.

  10. Lucky_Alternative965

    I really hope they can win their last game at the Coliseum. One last applause for an unfortunate end to the last Oakland franchise.


    to be honest, i am kinda sad that the 13-inning detroit game wont go down as the last walk-off (and i didnt come to this game so now i cant say i went to the last oakland walkoff)…. but i guess theres still thursday

  12. MeatballDom

    Crazy to see the place so packed. I was assured that it was too terrible of a stadium for more than a few thousand to go there.

  13. Electric1800

    Hey fun game! I’m glad this home crowd got to see a walk off. They’re so special and the timing in impeccable

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