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Pensez-vous toujours qu’Oakland est responsable du départ des A’s ? Alors vous devez lire cet article ! ⬇️ (@jvb43)

Pensez-vous toujours qu’Oakland est responsable du départ des A’s ? Alors vous devez lire cet article ! ⬇️ (@jvb43)

Par PTBNL2012


  1. ggnoobs69420

    The A’s and City of Oakland are both run by extremely incompetent people.

  2. RRFantasyShow

    Yeah it was stupid for the A’s to go through the facade of being the last remaining pro team in Oakland. 

    Why didn’t they just relocate to Denver or Vegas earlier rather than going through this rigmarole?

  3. FinnaWinnn

    The A’s fans need to destroy that Collesium, or rush the field. They need to do SOMETHING. Or you will spend the rest of your lives wishing you did. PUNISH THE OWNER WHO HAS TAKEN BASEBALL FROM YOU!

  4. QuesoPluma123

    The As had a bottom 5 attendance even when they were good

    Fisher is a cheap asshole, but the 10 fans in oakland made it super easy for him to leave.

    At the end of the day this is the 3rd team that leaves oakland in the past decade. If everywhere you go smells like shit, check ya shoe.

  5. Say what you want about Oakland and about us I don’t really care anymore.

    One more game and none of this will ever matter again.

  6. BaltimoreBadger23

    Wow, that’s a lot of completely unsourced accusations.

  7. frankyseven

    The real issue is that Fisher wants competitive balance money and the agreement that gave him that money was expiring after this season. There was no way he’d get that money ever again so he’s moving the team to the smallest market in the league to guarantee him that money. It’s about money, it’s always about money, and will always be about money.

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