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(Carig) Merci, Oakland A’s

(Carig) Merci, Oakland A’s

Par Knightbear49


  1. jorleeduf

    > By now, much of the rage has passed.

    Idk about that man

  2. Koronesukiii

    >The Oakland Athletics will soon pass into history, which means the time has come to move on from the sadness of the funeral and turn instead to a much-deserved celebration of life.

    Now, I don’t about you, Marc Craig; but where I’m from we don’t usually « move on from the sadness » BEFORE THEY ARE DEAD!
    « Hey mom, heard dad’s got a few weeks tops. Sadge. He lived a good life. Anyhow, I’m going on vacation. Dad’s almost dead, so I’ve moved on from the sadness. We good?

  3. What really sucks is unlike when the Oilers moved to Nashville, you knew Houston was gonna get a team again. Oakland last their three major sports (I guess Golden State is still in market) and their only recourse is to follow their team now playing in Vegas or root for their Bay Area Rival…

    Idk many Houstonian’s who would willingly switch from being Astros fans to Rangers fans

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