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(Trevor May) Cher John, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, qui est probablement plus que ce que vous méritez, gardez-le. Soyez un adulte. Mettez-vous devant une caméra et dites-le avec votre poitrine. Publier une lettre, clairement écrite par quelqu’un d’autre, et incluant un tas de noms que vous ne connaissez CERTAINEMENT pas, est tout simplement irrespectueux

(Trevor May) Cher John, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, qui est probablement plus que ce que vous méritez, gardez-le. Soyez un adulte. Mettez-vous devant une caméra et dites-le avec votre poitrine. Publier une lettre, clairement écrite par quelqu’un d’autre, et incluant un tas de noms que vous ne connaissez CERTAINEMENT pas, est tout simplement irrespectueux

Par Outside_Abroad_3516


  1. Outside_Abroad_3516

    (Full quote)Dear John,

    With all due respect, which is more than you likely deserve, save it. Be an adult. Get in front of a camera and say it with your chest. Releasing a letter, clearly written by someone else, and including a bunch of names you DEFINITELY do not know, is just disrespectful to those that love the team.

    « We tried. » lol. The fact that you STILL think that anyone cares about that at this point shows, once again, your lack of understanding of WHY people love the game. You love owning stuff, just not your actions. Either stand up with pride or keep hiding. Pick one, we’re tired.

  2. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    Trevor May going off on this duck face during his retirement announcement was pretty sick

  3. RidleyScotch

    Trevor May seems like a good dude and I wish he had stayed with the Mets.

    Glad we and other recently former, players are not pulling punches on this situation

  4. HankScorpio2020

    John Fisher makes even Art Modell look good.

    The biggest nepo baby. He makes Jerry Reinsdorf and Bud Selig look like absolute geniuses.

    Imagine looking around the Bay Area and being unable to find say I don’t know… 100 to 500 people with deeper pockets and bigger smarts than this asshole. FJF forever.

  5. JerseyMuscle17

    I didn’t realize May finished up in Oakland, too. Makes this so much more impactful. Good on him for speaking up. Now my second favorite former As reliever.

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