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Les A’s sèment la peur chez leurs propres joueurs à propos du dernier match au Coliseum

Les A’s sèment la peur chez leurs propres joueurs à propos du dernier match au Coliseum

Par jakemontero


  1. ihatereddit999976780

    What if the players just don’t show up

  2. ContinuumGuy

    Again, while you can never rule out an incredibly drunk idiot or somebody who is going there only looking to cause trouble, I feel like the A’s players are probably the safest people there. It isn’t their fault, and in some ways, they are victims (albeit well-paid ones) too since they’ll have to uproot their families and play in an AAA stadium for God knows how long.

  3. Guardians2024WS

    Baseball is supposed to be an escape of sorts from all of the icky shit that goes on in the world. I hate that a guy like JF is taking this away from Oaklanders.

  4. Brybry1908

    Not sure about fear-mongering but you have to protect the players even if there’s a 0.5% chance stuff gets thrown on the field or if there’s a riot you gotta prepare for that.

  5. AngelsBee

    You have to protect the players, even the fan groups that claim this is fear mongering are smart enough to issue warnings to not destroy things.

  6. Math_OP_Pls_Nerf

    Better safe than sorry, at least to give warnings and take precautions to avoid a negligence lawsuit if something happens.

  7. kampfgruppekarl

    It’s all fearmongering, until someone pulls a trigger.

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