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(San Diego Padres sur X) « Les meilleurs fans d’Amérique ont établi un record d’affluence pour une série de trois matchs ce week-end contre les White Sox et se sont présentés en nombre record tout au long de la saison. Merci, Faithful 💛 #ForTheFaithful »

(San Diego Padres sur X) « Les meilleurs fans d’Amérique ont établi un record d’affluence pour une série de trois matchs ce week-end contre les White Sox et se sont présentés en nombre record tout au long de la saison. Merci, Faithful 💛 #ForTheFaithful »

Par ProcrastinatingPuma


  1. BernankesBeard

    They got to witness history – of course they turned out!

  2. ProcrastinatingPuma

    It’s amazing what a team can achieve when it actually invests in the product both on and off the field, even in a « Small Market ». Certain scumbag owners should be taking notes.

  3. Tkinzel517

    When a record setting team is in town, you have to watch

  4. RagefulRedditor23

    Never imagined the Padres would fill the void the Chargers left behind and then some. I can’t wait to make out to Petco for some games in-person.

  5. I thought they were saying the total attendance for this weekend was 3 million at first

    Averaging well over 40k fans per game for an entire season is crazy though

  6. Bournerounderz

    I look forward to seeing either you guys or the D-Backs knock the Dodgers out of the postseason again.

  7. CosmicLars

    I loved living in San Diego for 7 months. The stadium is great, and the fan base is truly remarkable. Glad they’re making the postseason.

  8. KimHaSeongsBurner

    Remember when the Padres set this record (133,970) in May and Dodgers fans patted themselves on the back saying it was actually because *they* showed up?

    Anyway, thanks to the Dodgers fans who made the trip down this weekend to help us set the record again at 136,347. It means a lot and we (evidently) couldn’t do it without them.

  9. HawkeyeJosh2

    Were they there for the Padres or the White Sox?

  10. runyoudown

    Are tickets against the Sox cheap? I barely get to games.

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