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(Chicago White Sox) FINALE : disponible sur l’application MLB

(Chicago White Sox) FINALE : disponible sur l’application MLB

Par jokullmusic


  1. nodullstories

    Highlight of the season is the social media team not giving af anymore

  2. thenewjetzzfan

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s tweet:

    FINAL: Read about it in tomorrow’s Sun-Times

  3. mysterysackerfice

    So…White Sox SM is letting it all hang out in the home stretch 😐

  4. At least they have been making the Padres work for it and these have not been lopsided bloodbaths so I don’t feel TOO bad

  5. KingBroly

    The cross-promotion of MLB’s services are the White Sox’s biggest win in a month.

  6. hascogrande

    White Sox social media: you know we’re breaking the record, fuck it

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