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Chronique : Les publicités pour les énergies fossiles sont omniprésentes dans le sport américain. Ce n’est pas une bonne chose

Chronique : Les publicités pour les énergies fossiles sont omniprésentes dans le sport américain. Ce n’est pas une bonne chose

Par Sammy_Roth

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  1. Sammy_Roth

    Hey everybody, my name is Sammy Roth, and I’m the climate columnist for the Los Angeles Times. I wrote this story about a new survey conducted by UCLA, and I thought you might be interested. Here’s how it starts:

    >*Less than half a mile from the California Capitol, the Sacramento Kings play basketball in a solar-powered arena that the team’s owner* *says* *has helped make the Kings “the most sustainable franchise in all of sports.”*

    >*Venture inside the Golden 1 Center, though, and you might be served a helping of fossil fuel propaganda.*

    >*The Kings are one of at least 59 U.S. sports franchises that accept sponsorship dollars from oil giants, or utility companies whose businesses are primarily fossil fueled, according to a* *survey released Thursday* *by UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment. The list includes six California teams: the Kings, LAFC, the Oakland Athletics, San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers and, as I’ve* *reported previously, the Dodgers.*

    >*If you’re wondering why this matters, I could tell you about* *research* *suggesting that fossil fuel companies, much like tobacco profiteers back in the day, pay off the owners of beloved institutions, including our favorite teams, to cleanse their dirty images — and lull us into forgetting that their noxious products are causing* *hotter heat waves,* *more intense wildfires* *and* *growing water scarcity* *(not to mention* *regular old deadly air pollution).*

    >*I could tell you about the research. Or I could ask you to imagine going to watch the Sacramento Kings — or the Giants, or the 49ers, or LAFC — and seeing a cigarette advertisement above the scoreboard. Or a gun ad.*

    >*Unimaginable, right? So why is Big Oil propaganda considered acceptable?*

    >*The Emmett Institute’s communications director, Evan George, who conducted the survey with help from several undergrads, thinks it’s time to end these sponsorships — known as “sportswashing,” a play on greenwashing.*

    >*“Big Oil wants to look like community heroes, not a public nuisance,” he said.*

    I hope you’ll read the [whole piece]( and let me know what you think!

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