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Dark Vador lance le premier lancer du match

Dark Vador lance le premier lancer du match

Par Renegadeforever2024


  1. Cornelius_Fuzzyboots

    Of course he’s left-handed. They’re all evil.

  2. WabbitCZEN

    Wait a minute… he didn’t use the force to throw it. He’s a phony! Hey everyone! This guy’s a big fat phony!

  3. NSCButNotThatNSC

    Storm troopers were going to throw out the first pitch, but they all missed the catcher.

  4. Is that… is that the mound behind him? Are you telling me he *still* hasn’t learned the lesson about having the high ground?

  5. He finds the umps lack of a consistent strike zone disturbing

  6. RedGreenPepper2599

    He has altered the rules of baseball…pray he does not alter them any further.

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