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La séquence de victoires des White Sox s’arrête à trois. Ils ont maintenant été blanchis 5 fois ce mois-ci. Le chiffre magique pour éviter d’avoir le pire bilan de l’histoire du baseball est maintenant de 3. Ils sont à 80 matchs sous la barre des .500

La séquence de victoires des White Sox s’arrête à trois. Ils ont maintenant été blanchis 5 fois ce mois-ci. Le chiffre magique pour éviter d’avoir le pire bilan de l’histoire du baseball est maintenant de 3. Ils sont à 80 matchs sous la barre des .500

Par billieeilisx


  1. mysterysackerfice

    We’re fucking terrible, but by god we’re not gonna be swept by the worst team in recent memory!

  2. billieeilisx

    *MLB history

    But I would argue the 1899 spiders do not count.

    They played 70% of their games on the road and were owned by a guy who owned another team and essentially used the spiders as a farm team. They were engineered to lose.

    The White Sox at least *tried* to be a regular baseball team and don’t have a conflict of interest. They’re just really *really* bad

  3. HawkeyeJosh2

    If the White Sox win all their remaining games and the Marlins lose all of theirs, the ChiSox will still finish with the worst record in baseball by ten games.

    And that’s their best-case scenario.

  4. nsgomez

    The White Sox have lost as many games (116) as the 1906 Cubs and 2001 Mariners **won** to set MLB records, and they still have 10 to play. Just unbelievable pace

  5. stormstopper

    History watch update:

    7-3: Required to avoid 120 losses (we have not had a 7-3 stretch all season)

    6-4: Required to match 120 losses but not break the modern-era loss record (last went 6-4 from May 8-May 18)

    5-5: Required in order to exceed the 1962 Mets’ win percentage (last went 5-5 from June 27-July 6)

    4-6: Required in order to reach 40 wins (have gone 4-6 in our last 10 games)

    3-7: Required in order to avoid the worst win percentage in the modern era (have gone 4-6 in our last 10 games)

  6. Captpan6

    This is a nice picture of Mt Fuji against a red sky.

  7. leverich1991

    An MLB team has lost at least 116 games in a season for just the 4th time in the modern era and the first time since 2003.

  8. trickman01

    NGL I thought that was the Baseball Reference logo in the thumbnail.

  9. ItsAhab

    They look like they’re drawing the Baseball-Reference logo

  10. Corduroy_Sazerac

    If they expanded the post-season to 100 teams, the White Sox would not make it.

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