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(Point fort) José Altuve enlève sa chaussure après avoir été éliminé pour montrer à l’arbitre que la balle l’a touché en premier

(Point fort) José Altuve enlève sa chaussure après avoir été éliminé pour montrer à l’arbitre que la balle l’a touché en premier

Par amatom27


  1. OfficialTMWTP

    Baseball’s been around for like 150+ years at this point. Almost everything you can think of has probably happened in this sport.

    But I’m pretty sure that’s the first time in MLB history that a player has been ejected with one shoe off and sock-in-hand.

  2. hydrothalamus

    These last 2 innings have been WWE tier

  3. Nice_Block

    If you don’t like that, you don’t like Astros baseball

  4. JamboPls

    Whatever happens, I think we can all agree that this game has had some of the umpiring of all time.

  5. amatom27

    Bro what is this game lol

    Feet fetish guys stay away from this post

  6. or_maybe_this

    This is cinema.


  7. The_Illa_Vanilla

    This umpire is having a bad night lmao

  8. broke-collegekid

    This was legit the funniest ejection I’ve seen live

  9. Lucky_Alternative965

    Boy, am I glad I decided to turn on this game. This is the greatest thing ever, and now I’m forced to watch the Padres walk it off.

  10. cozen_indigo99

    Umps have money on Padres. Holy shit. This game has been ridiculously one sided

  11. Toxicstorm88

    What the fucking fuck is this game lol

  12. Seananagans

    Thus is the funniest game I’ve seen in a long time lmfao

  13. Blakehubbs

    Hahaha this is hilarious. Also these umps blow I’m ready for robo umps.

  14. Padres_are_MFers

    Between the Hader wild pitch and whatever this is, This is the greatest game in the history of baseball

  15. coltsmetsfan614

    No way Altuve *wasn’t* getting ejected for that, but it was so fucking badass that I can’t be mad about it. Fuck these dumbass umps, as always!

  16. NJthecollector

    How many times will umpires get this same call wrong man

  17. Guilty-Doctor1259

    umpires are actually so soft holy

  18. TheRealPort

    Sometimes you gotta let the dogs out

  19. JanitorOfSanDiego

    All I can think about is I hope Alex Honnold is having a good time tonight and that this turns him into a padres fan.

  20. Thornton__Melon

    This is one of those games where 3 years from now you find out the umpires were gambling on it you go “yeah, makes sense”

  21. justwonderingbro

    How how in God’s name did u post this so fast

  22. YaBoiWhit

    That is the second time this year Jose Altuve has been called out on a pitch that hit his foot foul ruled fair and then got ejected as a result.

    The other time being the Mets series

  23. YeOldeManDan

    Is this the same crap as the Bergman play a couple weeks ago?

  24. Sawftbawlz

    The ump scorecard is gonna have some critical bs missing

  25. jujubats10

    1. Very funny

    2. This is an all time shit show from the HP umpire. Right after the Hader disengagement Kerfuffle just a few batters ago

  26. Don’t even need the Jomboy episode, Don already did the voice over

  27. HolidaySpiriter

    Even if you hate Altuve you’ve got to admit this is such a bullshit call and ejection. Baseball umps are the softest in any professional sport.

  28. Jud000619

    Shoeless Jose Altuve now rivals Shoeless Joe Jackson

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