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(Point fort) Victor Robles tente de surprendre Luis Gil en tentant de voler la maison sur un compte de 3-0, mais Gil fait un lancer parfait juste à temps pour le clouer et le faire sortir !

(Point fort) Victor Robles tente de surprendre Luis Gil en tentant de voler la maison sur un compte de 3-0, mais Gil fait un lancer parfait juste à temps pour le clouer et le faire sortir !

Par Pyromania1983


  1. Pyromania1983

    Felt like the only strike Gil threw all inning lol

  2. notabiologist_37

    bro why would you do this what was the thought process

    edit: i am absolutely flabbergasted. genuinely how do you think this through and come to the decision that instead of taking the walk you are going to try to steal home. this is little league come on

  3. LordHarkon1

    Robles IQ has left the building 😭

  4. EmotionalAccounting

    What the fuck is all I can say

  5. WabbitCZEN

    Absolutely saved our asses with that. That inning was about to get out of hand.

  6. NevermoreSEA

    Should be fun to look back at that decision after Gil finishes his six shutout innings.

  7. Sniffmyfarts69420

    Victor Robles giveth, Victor Robles taketh away

  8. Outrageous_Bat1798

    Of all the possible decisions Robles could’ve made there… that was definitely one of them

  9. rmoney27

    This is one of the dumbest baserunning decisions I’ve seen in my life

  10. mjst0324

    With the way Gil was pitching there was between a 99.7 and 100% chance that he was walking that run in and probably another one after that. Completely insane.

  11. azk3000

    He should’ve actually charged the mound

  12. noncoherence

    now that’s the vic I know and love

  13. cxldplay

    This was such a whacky first inning. Glad this was the end result — Gil just didn’t have it

  14. ampharoastt1

    thanks for the early christmas present

  15. GolgiApparatus88

    3-0 count with the BASES LOADED.

  16. glutepain

    I mean get the thought process but pick your spots

  17. InaudibleShout

    * 2.5 games out of a wild card spot

    * Down 2 runs early

    * Bases loaded, 2 outs, **3-0 count** to a man with a **.948 OPS** in his last 15 games

    * Pitcher has not been able to find anything remotely resembling a strike zone all inning and is basically trying to gift you those 2 runs back

    * You also may have just barely avoided breaking your hand 5 minutes earlier, so diving head and hands first into a wild play at the plate at any time would be a choice all in its own

    I don’t care how good of a jump you think you have, what the hell are you doing, Robles?? I mean thanks for bailing us out but what??

  18. HollywoodAndDid

    I can’t adequately articulate just how utterly stupid that decision was.

  19. northwest333

    3-0 count TWO OUTS. Absolute nonsense.

  20. ActualDragonHeart

    Did Robles hand hurt from the HBP and he just wanted to go inside and ice it? Genuinely the only reason I can think of to do something like this.

  21. Cvnilivee

    The old « bases loaded fake pick up the rosin bag and throw home” trick.. haven’t seen that since Lefty Leffterson did it in the 1917 world series.

  22. vanillabear26

    Robles was 25/25 on SB for us to that point, so I can squint my eyes and forgive the blunder.

    But *woof*.

  23. see_mohn

    If I’m the manager I am not only benching the player for that, I am getting a hammer and nails and literally attaching him to the bench for the remainder of the game

  24. This honestly might be the stupidest fucking decision I’ve seen all season.

    Bases loaded. 2 outs. 3-0 count. Pitcher that can’t find the zone.

    Unbelievably selfish move.

  25. Probably gonna be our one and only chance of scoring the rest of the night.

  26. SexiestPanda

    Glad I’m done with this stupid shit team 😂😂😂

  27. WonderfulRelease5357

    In my forty plus years… well, I’ve now seen the worst base running decision I’ve ever and will ever see.

  28. jaron_b

    To think this guy was 25 for 25 on SBs since coming to Seattle. Then he pulls off possibly one of the dumbest steal attempts ever. The count is 3-0 it’s the first inning. Just stay put.

  29. nsgomez

    that’s vintage Nationals Robles right there

  30. maybe_humanno

    He definitely has money on the game

  31. Xno_Kappa

    Gil had a HBP, 2 BB, and it was 3-0 with bases loaded. This might be the dumbest baserunning mistake of the season.

  32. tgrogan21

    One of the stupidest decisions I’ve ever seen. Just no reason to risk it with a 3-0 count and the bases loaded.

  33. IM__Progenitus

    Such a terrible baserunning move that even I, a Yankees fan, couldn’t believe what he did.

  34. mysterysackerfice

    Is this the ultimate TOOTBLAN?

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