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(Point fort) Victor Robles charge le monticule… pour un câlin

(Point fort) Victor Robles charge le monticule… pour un câlin

Par amatom27


  1. Irate_Ibis

    There’s just no room in the game for stuff like this.

  2. amatom27

    « Don’t ever fucking do that again » 😬😅

  3. mysterysackerfice of these days someone is gonna get severely injured by one of those up and in pitches.

  4. conspiracycola

    Yankees hit a lot of guys, mariners get hit a lot. It’s a match made it heaven

  5. Jetersweiner

    And then just did one of the dumbest things I have ever seen on a baseball field

  6. Outrageous_Bat1798

    And then he’s gonna inexplicably try to steal home

  7. KimHaSeongsBurner

    This is the 2nd most questionable thing Robles would do this inning.

  8. LargeNutbar

    Not the strangest thing he did this half inning

  9. yianni1229

    I would not wanna be in the box with Gil pitching dude has no idea where the ball is going sometimes. Was wild that entire half inning

  10. Bet a bunch of folks in the dugouts stood up

  11. GarnByte

    Man, the feelings when Yankees pitchers make feel embarrassed for supporting them. I love Gil, terrific talent. But overall Yankees have hit so many players. Feels bad every time lately, especially after the Boston series.

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