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Les similitudes entre Tony Gwynn et Luis Arraez à travers le même nombre de jeux sont carrément effrayantes

Les similitudes entre Tony Gwynn et Luis Arraez à travers le même nombre de jeux sont carrément effrayantes

Par milkmanbonzai


  1. LovingAbsurdist

    There’s clearly a speed gap, which allowed Tony those triples, and thus the OPS gap. Pretty sure Gwynn had quite a few more steals, too (not to mention better defense). Pretty cool that their purely hitting stats are so similar, though. Wonder what the difference in wRC+ is or fDef.

  2. hubagruben

    Should be noted that part of what makes Gwynn so impressive was his ability to sustain this style and production. Gwynn was really just getting started in the stats you see here. He had about 1750 hits after turning 30 and won batting titles every year in his age 34-37 seasons. Of course I’m rooting for Arraez to continue doing what he’s doing, but it’ll take a lot longer for him to really be comparable to Gwynn.

    That said, you’re right, these stats are incredibly similar and that’s pretty cool.

  3. Da-Bears-

    Gwynn’s last 8 years were insane, he just kept getting better at the plate. He averaged like .360 for 5 years after 33.

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