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Les White Sox de Chicago ont remporté leur troisième match consécutif, un exploit qu’ils n’ont accompli que deux autres fois cette saison. Ils améliorent leur bilan à 79 matchs sous la barre des .500

Les White Sox de Chicago ont remporté leur troisième match consécutif, un exploit qu’ils n’ont accompli que deux autres fois cette saison. Ils améliorent leur bilan à 79 matchs sous la barre des .500

Par billieeilisx


  1. DillyDillySzn

    The MLB let us get hot

    World Series inbound

  2. templethot

    Angels and A’s, have you no shame? Is there no low you won’t stoop to?

  3. KimHaSeongsBurner

    The worst division in baseball is threatening to deprive us of a record, and it shows.

  4. CashGamingConcepts

    Everyone is about to be so butthurt when the White Sox end up winning 41 games and just going down as a top 5 bad team instead of the worst team in the modern era.

  5. PMMeBootyPicz0000000

    They better not go and not get the loss record. I wanna witness history. Keep losing dammit.

  6. TylerMoy7

    Booo, we want to see the record, not meaningless wins

  7. broke-collegekid

    Man are we really going to get a hot White Sox team?

  8. CalebosO4

    Give your team some credit. They actually had 3 other 3-game winning streaks before this one. Not 2.

  9. ViceroyFizzlebottom

    The Sox can’t even lose successfully.

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