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Avec leur victoire contre les Nationals lors de la 10e manche, les Mets ont pris la place de WC3 aux Braves.

Les Dodgers gagnent aujourd’hui contre les Braves, les Mets ont donc désormais 1,0 match d’avance sur les Braves pour la place WC3. (modifié)

Quelle tournure des événements.

Par themiamimarlins


  1. Fear_the_chicken

    The power of Grimace knows no bounds!!!!

  2. moldschool

    Some motherless fuck was saying the Mets were jinxing themselves with the Grimace seat.

    Our faith is unshakable. These colors don’t run.

    Blue Orange and Purple.

    Love it or leave it.

  3. WackedBush343

    Oh don’t worry, Mets fans. You’ll soon see the terrible calamity on humanity known as the Dodgers bullpen!*

    ^* ^maybe ^not ^tonight

  4. giants888

    That entire stadium is about to be shaped like Grimace if we keep this up

  5. Conclusion_Fickle

    I hate the Nats. Just knock that damn ball down instead of launching it backward.

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