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(Point fort) Coup de circuit consécutif de Teoscar Hernandez, Tommy Edman et Max Muncy !

(Point fort) Coup de circuit consécutif de Teoscar Hernandez, Tommy Edman et Max Muncy !

Par kpopsns28


  1. FaxTaxBBC

    I’d let them go back to back to back on me!


  2. Chaingunfighter

    The Braves and the Mets are really gonna end the season tied, aren’t they?

  3. Bro I checked the score before putting my kid to sleep and it was 2-2 and then this happens lol. Of course

  4. Olson’s double to this is such whiplash test us for a concussion

  5. I get physically angry watching Max Muncy hit. This man just doesn’t chase. You can almost hear him sneering “that’s 0.16cm outside” as he takes a ball 1. Two-strike counts don’t faze him. Then he’ll whip out a hellacious dong on the 9th pitch. He’s suffocating. He’s Max Muncy.

  6. kpopsns28

    Intentionally walking Shohei officially get this inning going

  7. Lucky_Alternative965

    Practically doubled Iglesias ERA In one inning at the end of the season. Being a closer has to be tough if you care at all about stats.

  8. chrisumafp

    Intentionally walk Shohei

    Is fuck around and find out

  9. ThisGuy6266

    Dodgers are going to test the theory you need healthy pitchers to win a World Series.

  10. Dazzling-Rooster2103

    Intentionally walking Ohtani with 2 outs, and then giving up 7 runs is crazy…

    Braves and Mets wildcard race is absolutely wild… 81 wins -68 losses for both with 13 games left, and 3 of those games are against eachother.

  11. KetchupGuy1

    Fyzicky se zlobím, když vidím, jak se Max Muncy trefil. Tento muž prostě nehoní. Skoro ho slyšíte, jak se posmívá “to je 0,16 cm venku”, když bere míč 1. Počítání dvou úderů ho neznepokojuje. Pak na 9. hřišti vybičuje pekelný dong. Dusí se. On je Max Muncy.

  12. awaythrow484938947

    I wonder if this actually stops teams from IBBing Shohei to get to Mookie, etc.

  13. KetchupGuy1

    Been a rough week for relieves with 1.xx eras

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