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(Point fort) Le 20e HR de Randy Arozarena où il sort 3 fois – Full AB

(Point fort) Le 20e HR de Randy Arozarena où il sort 3 fois – Full AB

Par Darkforces134


  1. LogicalHarm

    That’s the most disrespectful AB I’ve ever seen, I love it so much

  2. DepressingFries

    It would be one thing if he stepped out on 3 pitches in a 6 pitch at bat, but to step out 3 times on the first 3 pitches, and hit a homerun on the next pitch is by far one of the most disrespectful, and coldest things I’ve ever seen on a baseball diamond.

  3. SereneDreams03

    Talk about getting in a pitchers head. Wow.

  4. sethuaaaa

    I watched this 5 times already. Never change Randy lol

  5. HelloS0n

    This is cold as shit lol

    Edit to add – he started stepping out earlier and earlier on the consecutive pitches.

  6. kungfoojesus

    Almost like the pitcher has a tell or Randy can see the catcher setup out of the corner of his eye or something.

  7. That’s a man with a plan. He wanted his 20th and he got his 20th.

  8. Bill2theE

    Randy started stepping out like this in late 2022. His walk rates jumped from 7% to 12%, so I’d say it worked

    He started stepping out because he was trying to be more patient, so he would take the first pitch of an AB. The problem is, he would take all the way, standing in the box ready to hit, and see a pitch down the middle then be frustrated he didn’t swing. Stepping out was him literally going a step further in being patient. In this AB I imagine he went up with the intent of taking pitch 1. With it being a ball, he probably decided to take until he saw a strike. Then 3-0 decided he’d seen enough and pitch was gonna groove one. He was right.

  9. Thorlolita

    Just wanted to get a better view of the break

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