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(Point fort) Sal Frelick commet un vol irréel

(Point fort) Sal Frelick commet un vol irréel

Par Goosedukee


  1. Leftfeet

    That looked painful. Helluva play, just hope he’s fine 

  2. zgibs125

    Pretty rude imo. You can’t just walk into other people’s homes and steal things.

  3. AlonzoIzGod

    *pounds the dregs of my PBR* I can do that shit

  4. mysterysackerfice

    How did he manage to hold on to it? Dude looked like he was in a car crash the way his head snapped back.

  5. babruflat

    It probably felt pretty real when he hit the wall like that. Sal is having a very Sal game between that and the weak single grounder!

  6. starmiesan

    I was so sure he broke something, that got my heart rate up, Sal is unbelievable, give him his gold glove

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