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(Drellich) Déclaration de la MLB : « Il est certain que les A’s joueront leur saison 2025 à Sacramento comme prévu. La MLB continue de travailler de manière productive avec la MLBPA sur les détails de la transition. »

(Drellich) Déclaration de la MLB : « Il est certain que les A’s joueront leur saison 2025 à Sacramento comme prévu. La MLB continue de travailler de manière productive avec la MLBPA sur les détails de la transition. »

Par Cilantro42


  1. WackedBush343

    *”Let me give you a ticket number to call back later…”*

    – MLB to baseball fans wanting some definite A’s news

  2. AgnarCrackenhammer

    The AAA season isn’t over yet. There isn’t any feasible way to renovate the stadium until the season ends. Earlier article seemed a little click baity

  3. respaaaaaj

    The MLBPA has no reason to accept anything less than the most that can possibly be done before the season starts. Of course they’re not going to approve the deal quickly.

  4. Disused_Yeti

    Players association will make them sweat and make concessions but I don’t see them killing the move

  5. officerliger

    This entire season since the offseason has felt like one big test of the « age of internet » on the MLB fandom, lots of emotional reactions and people expecting slow-moving complicated things to happen at the pace of the 24/7 sports news cycle, and quick judgements are constantly handed down then thrown out after the dust settles. From Shohei’s private flight for a sushi reservation in Toronto to the A’s move, the media has really wrecked the psyches of baseball fans this year.

    Meanwhile as a Vegas-area resident, I pass by the Tropicana 2-3x a week on the way to the office. It’s completely gutted out and implosion is scheduled for next month. Union contracts for the new stadium have been signed, local politicians have not waivered on the message that baseball is coming, the power brokers and major architects are working on the details, and « Schools Over Stadiums » has not held any rallies, put up any posters, or done any sort of work in the Las Vegas area that would suggest their goal is anything more than soaking Northern California people for PAC donations that will likely be re-purposed for political races in non-Vegas parts of Nevada (and hey, as a lifelong Democratic voter, thanks for helping us as we try to swing our purple state back to blue).

    The A’s will play on a real grass field or some super-genius at Cal or Stanford will pioneer self-cooling turf or Oracle Park will have a 2nd tenant next year, either way the Las Vegas A’s are going to be a thing when it’s all said and done and the media, « The Last Dive Bar, » Brodie Brazil, « Schools Over Stadiums, » etc. should be ashamed of themselves for grifting the emotions of (understandably) hurt A’s fans.

  6. Redbubble89

    « We’re going to move but we don’t have the approval of the union yet. »

    Teams have to schedule hotels and stuff this time of year in advance. You can’t just pick up and move on a whim and not allow playoff games if the A’s turn it around in the next few years.

  7. AliveInIllinois

    « It is a certainty »

    Oh yeah? What if a meteor destroys the city next week?

    Then what are you going to do?

  8. Infamous-Exchange331

    MLB allows team to demote itself to AAA. 😂

  9. I kinda just want them to play every game away.

  10. orbesomebodysfool

    This is a flex move by management (MLB) to assert authority over labor (MLBPA). It is management’s prime directive to always make a power move over labor at every opportunity it gets. 

    In this case, MLBPA is going to approve, eventually. In the long run, moving makes more money for the players than not moving does, so it’s to their benefit. But they are going to hold out for as long as they can to extract as much as they can to improve the Sac site as much as possible. 

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